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can you spray liberty on xtend soybeans

Wet and windy conditions can delay spraying and under these conditions weeds can grow significantly in a few days. But hopefully, this article can help to give you a basic overview of knowledge given the quickly closing canopy and window to spray your soybeans. We have went from pretty neat to utterly amazing when it comes to yield on these new lines. application methods. If you are in an area with confirmed or suspected resistance to ALS- and PPO-inhibitors and you do not have approved dicamba products prior to planting Xtend soybeans, you may want to consider switching varieties to those containing Enlist or Liberty Link traits. While getting ready to spray V4 corn this next week, you may need to bump your Halex GT rate to 2 qts/acre. Enlist E3 soybeans have full approval from all key importers of U.S. soybeans. You may remember these guys from the Liberty-Link Beans, but now they’ve added another layer of protection: glyphosate resistance. 3 We have refreshed all but 1 line of Xtend Soybeans for next year with some amazing results. Liberty is well known as a solid herbicide to control broadleaves, including the ever stubborn waterhemp. 3. You can think of them like the Tom Brady of soybean genetics. Field demonstration trials on weed management with Xtend soybeans compared to other soybean traits/varieties were conducted in 2018 at four Purdue Ag Centers. If you have planted Xtend soybeans or cotton, your options follow. Be certain you know how to apply Enlist One® herbicide, the straight-goods 2,4-D choline, and Enlist Duo® herbicide, a proprietary blend of 2,4-D choline and glyphosate. ... Syngenta receives registration for new herbicide for Roundup Ready 2 Xtend soybeans. Up to R2 or full flower. Herbicides like Sharpen, Gramoxone + Metribuzin, Liberty or registered dicamba formulations (XtendiMax, FeXapan or Engenia) for use only in Roundup Ready Xtend soybeans are options that will provide control of herbicide-resistant horseweed. If you apply 2,4-D post to Xtend soybean it will severely injure or kill them. So let’s have a look. A: Enlist E3 soybeans are tolerant, and always have been, to Glyphosate (Roundup), Glufosinate (Liberty) and 2,4-D Choline. If necessary, a late postemergence rescue treatment of Cobra can be used. You shouldn’t spray dicamba if the wind is blowing toward neighboring sensitive crops (including non-dicamba tolerant soybeans, grapes, tobacco, tomatoes, cucurbits and others) or residential areas. soybeans this fall. If not, you may be wondering, “what can I spray on my dicamba soybeans or cotton to control my Palmer amaranth, common ragweed, or other troublesome weeds?”. Xtend Soybeans for 2019 . Several options that enhance burndown, provide residual weed control, or control dandelions in no-tillage soybeans can be found in Table 6.7.3. If used, these methods can minimize, if not eliminate, off-target movement. Enlist E3 soybeans have full approval from all key importers of U.S. soybeans. Controlling marestail in the growing soybean crop can be the biggest challenge for producers. Just because you grow Xtend® soybeans doesn’t mean you need to spray dicamba. A: Probably. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approved the use of Monsanto’s Xtendimax with Vapor Grip Technology herbicide on November 9. 4791 (pdf) Download. Below is a brief overview of the current dicamba products on the market today, which can be used with Xtend Soybeans. Additionally, it is BASF's position that Roundup WeatherMAX and Roundup PowerMAX can be used on LibertyLink GT27. Liberty® is a Group 10 herbicide, and has the ability to control grass and broadleaf weeds® LibertyLink® technology is available in canola, corn, cotton, and soybeans. With the exciting news regarding the availability of Stine ® LibertyLink ® GT27 ™ brand soybeans for the 2019 growing season, there have been questions about how growers can maximize the technology. By now most of you are aware of the ruling in the 9th Circuit Court that vacates the labels Xtendimax/Fexapan, and Engenia. Adoption of Roundup Ready 2 Xtend (glyphosate and ... you can steer away from the more injurious products. ... Can you pitch in … 3. Currently, Xtend soybeans are tolerant to dicamba and glyphosate and E3 are tolerant to 2,4-D choline, glyphosate, and glufosinate (Liberty). Part of the Roundup Ready® Xtend Crop System, Roundup Ready 2 Xtend® soybeans give you the opportunity to incorporate approved dicamba formulations into your soybean weed management program. ... Can you apply Enlist Duo with Liberty? My first choice is to fertilize in the fall or at … Liberty herbicide has no known resistance in U.S. broadacre crops and is flexible across many soybean trait platforms — it can be applied on LibertyLink GT27™, LibertyLink and Enlist E3™ enabled soybean acres. Enlist E3 soybeans are tolerant to 2,4-D choline in Enlist herbicides, glyphosate and glufosinate, allowing you to spray Enlist Duo ® or Enlist One ® herbicides to control weeds and maximize yield potential. Roundup Ready 2 Xtend (RR2X) soybeans are resistant to both dicamba and glyphosate, while XtendFlex cotton is resistant to dicamba, glyphosate, and glufosinate (Liberty). soybeans. you must wait 14 days to plant soybeans. You can use dicamba products such as FeXapan, Engenia, or XtendiMax as per label requirements in a burndown application and plant Roundup Ready 2 Xtend soybean without a planting interval. Xtend soybean do not exhibit resistance glufosinate (Liberty 280, Interline, etc.). Xtendimax with VaporGrip, Engenia, and FeXapan plus VaporGrip are dicamba-only herbicide products and contain no glyphosate. NO check products approved online (all additives) XtendFlex soybeans, which were approved for global sale in September 2020, will be an important tool to manage resistant weeds. This Is How Badly Monsanto Wants Farmers to Spray Its ... emblazoned with the the brand name of the engineered soybeans, Roundup Ready Xtend. The combination of tolerance to dicamba (XtendiMax®, Engenia® and Tavium®), glyphosate (Roundup®) and glufosinate (Liberty®) herbicides offers a unique triple option of choices to control a wide range of grasses and broadleaf weeds in soybean fields. When can Ignite safely be applied to Liberty-Link soybeans? — John Scheibel. Enlist E3® soybeans tolerate 2,4-D but are sensitive to dicamba, while Xtend soybeans tolerate dicamba but are sensitive to 2,4-D. 2. Just because you grow Xtend® soybeans doesn’t mean you need to spray dicamba. This means that you can spray both glufosinate (Liberty) and glyphosate (Round Up) products on your soybeans. XtendiMax®, Engenia™, and FeXapan™ are the only dicamba products that do not have preplant application restrictions and that can be used for POST applications to Xtend crops. 2,4-D and dicamba are not interchangeable. Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois are heavily infested with weeds resistant to glyphosate (group 9), PPO inhibitors (group 14), and ALS inhibitors (group 2). We now have the ability to spray liberty post when using dicambia products aren’t an option. Many of these products will also provide control of emerged waterhemp and Palmer amaranth. The 2X rate simulates a spray overlap in the field. Make sure to follow label instructions. You can do so until July 31st if you currently have the product. One of the challenges with spring burndown application is timing. LibertyLink soybeans are restricted to not spraying Liberty once flowers are on the plant. The Roundup Ready® Xtend Crop System is an advanced weed management system designed to help maximize weed control and yield potential. Channel Seed. Up to V8 or 30 inches. Liberty Link® soybeans continue to offer high yields and strong weed control at a lower ... 4596 (pdf) Download. Excessive rates of glyphosate can yellow and even stunt Roundup Ready soybeans, but it will not burn them. Because the technology is built on the Roundup Ready 2 Xtend trait platform, there may be more seed options available than with the Enlist system, and there’s likely more data on performance. Enlist E3 ™ soybeans offer one of the most advanced trait technologies available in soybeans, providing a new standard for weed control and yield potential. Waiting until planting to spray troublesome weeds such as marestail may be too late to achieve adequate control. If a field has really heavy weed pressure from all the wet weather and you have a heavy Palmer amaranth infestation, you may need to bump your rate a little. Most broadleaf plants, including non-2,4-D and non-dicamba tolerant 1. IND = INDETERMINATE-type soybeans grown in Group 00-4 regions. Spray volume and nozzle requirements needed for Liberty are not generally well suited for dicamba-based herbicide tank mixes. The labels of all these products caution about not spraying after flower initiation. Enlist Soybeans are a 2 insertion of traits and use roundup ... Up to what stage can you spray corn? Measure wind speed. The following are brief summaries of each system. Products with XtendFlex® Technology contains genes that confer tolerance to glyphosate, glufosinate and dicamba. Hopefully you had the opportunity to purchase your dicamba products prior to reading this blog. If you want to learn more on this and other concerns with your weeds, then you may want to contact some professionals that have a lot of experience in this area. Always consult your trait provider’s technical guides before planting. DET = DETERMINATE soybeans grown in Group 5 But some farmers say they're buying these Ignite 280 2.34SL can be applied from soybean emergence or VE up to – but not including – the bloom stage of growth or R1 (Figure 5). XtendiMax®, Engenia™ and FeXapan™ are the only dicamba products that do not have preplant application restrictions and that can be used for POST applications on Xtend crops. If you plan to plant soybeans into a field infested with SCN in 2021, yield losses, SCN populations and the risk of developing a resistant SCN population type are likely to increase. Always read and follow label directions. Given the sensitivity of non-Enlist cotton to 2,4-D, … At the R4 stage, the plant reaches the full pod stage. The two dicamba products that have been approved for use on Xtend soybeans and cotton are XtendiMax from Monsanto and Engenia from BASF. If you did not get your pre-emerge on your soybeans before the rain, there are still options with residual to use. As part of our commitment to provide you with more choice, we have expanded our multi-brand strategy to bring you all the products you need in one place. XtendFlex soybeans add the herbicide tolerance of glufosinate to the yield-leading germplasm of the Roundup Ready 2 Xtend ® Crop System, which gives farmers additional flexibility of what and when they choose to spray their soybeans, while also providing top-end yield potential. AMS increases volatility, and I think that had a lot to do with some of the off-target issues in the past. Liberty ® herbicide is the preferred glufosinate of the Enlist weed control system allowing farmers more flexibility and weed control options. The Legend Seeds soybean portfolio consists of Legend Seeds, Mustang, and IMPACT brand traited, conventional, and high protein soybeans. Weed spectrum and application windows are also different–glufosinate is labeled for control of 140 species, while glyphosate is labeled for control of about 250 different weed species. Enlist One® and Liberty® herbicides can be applied in a tank mix or as sequential passes on Enlist E3™ soybeans and Enlist™ cotton. XtendFlex offers the extra flexibility to spray glufosinate later in the season when compared to Xtend soybeans… If you have planted Xtend soybeans or cotton, your options follow. Every major elevator we’ve spoken with in our region has agreed to purchase Enlist. *Caution: Authority MTZ, Boundary, Canopy, … The Durango DMA label was recently amended by its registrant to ensure it can be applied on all glyphosate-tolerant soybeans. The LibertyLink® system does not have drift issues or buffer requirements (when following labeled instructions) Both Liberty and Xtend beans have advantages and drawbacks. Liberty® plus AMS (If it’s still effective) Roundup Ready 2 Xtend® Soybeans: Xtendimax® Engenia® FeXapan® Enlist™ Soybeans: Enlist One™ Enlist Duo™ In order to get the best performance out of each one of these burndowns, it is necessary to spray when there are actively growing weeds. If you plan to tank-mix Sharpen and a residual product that includes another Group 14/PPO herbicide (e.g., flumioxazin, sulfentrazone, etc.) If you apply 2,4-D post to Xtend soybean it will severely injure or kill them, the same is true if you spray dicamba on E3 soybeans. Controlling marestail in the growing soybean crop can be the biggest challenge for producers. This has greatly reduced the number of effective postemergence herbicides for controlling these weeds in Roundup Ready 2 (RR2) soybeans. These plants typically continue to grow as they flower, resulting in a longer pod fill time. Wanstead Farmers Co-operative Ltd. is a 100 per cent farmer-owned grain marketing and farm-input supply company that serves more than 500 farmer owners in three locations in Lambton and Middlesex counties. The soybean variety tolerates over-the-top applications of three herbicides: glyphosate, dicamba and glufosinate (Liberty). Yes, the RR2 Xtend lines are, for the most part, newer genetics. All the “burning” you see in soybean fields this year is not caused by glyphosate. Call for more info! If you're spraying XtendFlex soybeans, tank mixing dicamba and glufosinate isn't an option, so a quick follow-up on any weed escapes is necessary, … With these restrictions it is important to keep in mind not every RR2 Xtend soybean field will meet the requirements for dicamba application. One Is Here, Two Are Waiting. By combining innovative trait technologies and herbicide options, the Roundup Ready Xtend Crop System provides a broad spectrum of weed control that can be counted on year after year. Spraying soybeans after flowering. Q: Can I spray Liberty on Enlist E3 soybeans? ... Ben Hortenstine has used the Enlist™ weed control system while growing production soybeans for three years. You can tank-mix Enlist One with Liberty ® herbicide, residual herbicides and other qualified tank-mix partners listed on for a customized weed control program that fits your farm. • Enlist One® killed the Roundup Ready 2 Xtend and LibertyLink GT27 soybeans, but did not harm the Enlist E3 soybeans. Foliar fertilizer has been hit and miss in soybeans. 2601RX Unfortunately, if all the burndown and residual herbicides are applied in one pass a couple weeks or so ahead of planting, that means two weeks of “wasted” herbicide residual activity. The biggest, most valuable new technology on Midwestern farms these days is a new family of soybean seeds. extremely sensitive vegetation (such as non-Xtend soybean varieties) we recommend that you do not spray until the wind is blowing away from the sensitive crop not just on the day of application, but also for the two to three days after application. This technology is a result of genetic engineering that confers resistance to dicamba—a herbicide that mimics the plant hormone, auxin, and controls broadleaf weeds—to soybean, a broadleaf crop. Liberty tends to work best under higher humidity and warm, sunny conditions at application. In 2021, Bayer expects growers to plant up to 20 million acres of XtendFlex soybeans, which farmers can spray with glufosinate in addition to dicamba and glyphosate, now that the trait secured its last import approval. (DTN file photo by Jim Patrico) All else being equal, you would expect a yield advantage from newer genetics. Liberty is primarily a contact herbicide, so a spray volume of 15 gallons per acre or greater generally provides the most consistent weed control. XtendiMax® Herbicide with VaporGrip® Technology, part of the Roundup Ready® Xtend Crop System, is a restricted use pesticide and must be used with VaporGrip® Xtra Agent (or an equivalent volatility reduction adjuvant). Liberty tends to work best under higher humidity and warm, sunny conditions at application. It’s a low-volatile formulation set for use on Roundup Ready 2 Xtend soybeans in 2017. However, if you experience less than commercially acceptable performance on labeled weeds 2 while following all program requirements stated below, Bayer will pay up to $15/acre to assist on an additional application. Large droplet size to reduce drift is critical when applying dicamba to Xtend beans, he notes. “You do not want to spray dicamba on the regular RoundupReady soybeans because you … STATE-SPECIFIC RESTRICTIONS DO EXIST. Q: Can I spray Liberty on Enlist E3 soybeans? Roundup Ready 2 Xtend soybeans stacked with LibertyLink® also provide tolerance to dicamba and Liberty, however currently there are no approved dicamba + Liberty tank mix combinations (as of 10/30/20). If you apply 2,4-D post to Xtend soybean it will severely injure or kill them, this same is true if you spray dicamba on E3 soybeans. In 2017, Monsanto’s Xtend soybeans were released for farmers in Michigan to plant and sell after several years of waiting for development and regulatory clearance in the U.S. and abroad. Engenia is a new low volatile (BAPMA) salt of dicamba. These three herbicides are the only dicamba products that can be applied to Xtend cotton and soybean in Mississippi. More information for each of these herbicide products can be found at the following sites: Liberty herbicide has no known resistance in U.S. broadacre crops and is flexible across many soybean trait platforms — it can be applied on LibertyLink GT27™, LibertyLink and Enlist E3™ enabled soybean acres. Late-season weed control after full bloom is generally more of a concern for harvest issues (green weeds) and weeds going to seed leading to future weed pressure in the field, but stopping late-season weeds can have an impact on yield, as well. As was discussed in Part 1 of this two-part article series, “Spraying dicamba in Xtend soybeans in 2018?Be sure you meet all the requirements,” the ability to spray a broadleaf crop with dicamba to control difficult broadleaf weed species represents both a powerful tool for weed management and a source of concern regarding off-target plant injury. Xtend soybeans acreage grows … Enlist One ® and Enlist Duo are the only 2,4-D formulations that do not have preplant application restrictions and can be used POST on Enlist E3® soybeans. For example, Select MAX can be applied as long as you can maintain 60 days of preharvest interval. You may find nearly mature seeds at the bottom of a plant that is still flowering at the top. • Use up to two postemergence applications each of Enlist herbicides and Liberty herbicide. On many of the labels, Roundup Ready crops are defined as crops that contain a glyphosate-tolerance gene. It is a leader in precision farming technology, seed and agronomy services. XtendFlex Soybeans PRE: XtendiMax® herbicide (22 fl/oz) + Warrant® Ultra herbicide (48 fl oz) Early POST: XtendiMax® herbicide (22 fl oz) + Roundup PowerMAX® herbicide (32 fl oz) + Warrant® herbicide (48 fl oz) Late POST: Liberty® herbicide (32 fl oz) + AMS (2.5% V/V) 2) Wind direction – The labels state that a buffer is required if wind is blowing towards a sensitive area, and that dicamba should not be applied at all if the wind is blowing toward a sensitive crop. Enlist soybeans tolerate 2,4-D but are sensitive to dicamba, while Xtend soybeans tolerate dicamba but are sensitive to 2,4-D. 2. Enlist One™ and Enlist Duo® are the only 2,4-D formulations that do not have preplant application restrictions and can be used POST on Enlist soybeans. We're confident that spraying early can give you the control you need to see success in your soybean fields. Other conventional soybean herbicides can be used in either system. Liberty® Herbicide may also be used during corn, soybean and seed production to remove corn and soybean plants that are not Q: Do I need to switch spray nozzles to use Xtendimax, Engenia, or Liberty? Spraying when temperatures are warm, humidity is high, and adding AMS can all improve weed kill. Certain herbicides can be applied later in the season when the restriction is based on preharvest interval. Thief River Falls, MN Below is a brief overview of the current dicamba products on the market today, which can be used with Xtend Soybeans. ID-453-W • 2,4-D- and Dicamba-tolerant Crops — Some Facts to Consider XtendFlex soybeans offer resistance to dicamba, glyphosate and glufosinate. Also, instead of spraying 2,4-D in our non-crop areas, we will be spraying dicamba, since that is safe to both corn and Xtend soybeans. We have been using Enlist One on our farm for 5 years now, including well before it was labeled. Also, when spraying Enlist E3 soybeans, you can also use Roundup (glyphosate), Liberty (glufosinate), or any conventional soybean herbicide, which is why we expect a huge percent of U.S. soybean acres to go to Enlist E3 this year. AS YOU CAN SEE IN THE PICTURE, THE FOLLOWING OCCURRED: • Liberty ® killed the Roundup Ready 2 Xtend soybeans, but did not harm the Enlist E3™ or LibertyLink® GT27™ soybeans. Every major elevator we’ve spoken with in our region has agreed to purchase Enlist soybeans this fall. — Joey York. And if growing multiple types on the same farm, a good rinse-out will also be important. September 28, 2020. Most broadleaf plants, including non-2,4-D and non-dicamba tolerant soybean and cotton, tomato, watermelon and others, are extremely Be sure you understand your soybean growth stages, scout well prior to spraying, follow the label and err on the side of caution if there is any doubt as to whether the beans are past R1 growth stage when you are considering making a post-emergence application of dicamba. If Xtend soybeans are planted, Xtendimax, FeXapan, or Engenia should be some of the most effective herbicides for post-emergence control of marestail in soybeans. The Enlist system also has resistance to glyphosate and Liberty while the Roundup Ready 2 Xtend system has tolerance also to glyphosate. The group 15 products (Warrant, Dual, Outlook, Zidua, Anthem) can be applied after the soybeans have cracked and will provide you with residual to help hold back the weed pressure. This right size of droplets offers the … Roundup Ready 2 Xtend® soybeans contain genes that confer tolerance to glyphosate and dicamba. In addition, waiting until soybean planting limits the available herbicide options Spray Volume ... As a grower planting Enlist™ corn or Enlist E3™ soybeans, you must be both familiar with and follow the Technology Use Agreement (Agreement) and this associated Guide. First, a reminder and a call to reason. For non-GMO soybeans, using a Group 2 product such as FirstRate®can result in effective control if … As of Friday morning, June 5, most regulatory agencies in the states are scrambling to interpret and communicate the short term future of using these products to control weeds in Xtend soybeans to growers in their respective states. 3. You can NOT use dicamba products such as Banvel, Clarity, and DiFlexx, and immediately plant Roundup Ready 2 Xtend soybean. The burning is being caused by other active ingredients in the spray … Follow proper dicamba stewardship when using these products. One question I keep hearing is, “can I spray both products on the beans at the same time?” • Spray postemergence when weeds are small: 3 inches tall or less. Currently, Xtend soybeans are tolerant to dicamba and glyphosate, while XtendFlex also tolerates glufosinate (Liberty); and E3 are tolerant to 2,4-D choline, glyphosate, and glufosinate. Roundup Ready 2 Xtend® Soybeans. Glyphosate will kill crops that are not tolerant to glyphosate. A postemergence application of glyphosate should be made 24 to 30 days after planting. Liberty® Herbicide is a water-soluble herbicide for application as a foliar spray for the control of a broad spectrum of emerged annual and perennial grass and broadleaf weeds in corn, soybeans and canola. A number of herbicides such as Classic, Reflex, Pinnacle, Basagran and Pursuit can damage soybean flowers. Weed management in IP soybeans. LibertyLink® Technology contains genes that confer tolerance to glufosinate. Because Liberty is a contact herbicide, it’s important to use 15 to 20 gallons of carrier and get good coverage. XtendFlex soybeans. Remember that Xtendimax, FeXapan, and Engenia can only be applied to Xtend soybeans. Other dicamba products can be used at least 14 days preplant, if the appropriate waiting interval is followed per the label for non-Xtend soybeans. Liberty is primarily a contact herbicide, so a spray volume of 15 gallons per acre or greater generally provides the most consistent weed control. Many lines boosting a 5-7 bushel yield advantage over previous lines. XtendFlex soybeans are here! Page Content 2. Most postemergence soybean herbicides have restrictions up to R3 growth stage. Remember that Xtendimax, FeXapan and Engenia can only be applied to Xtend soybeans. application restrictions and can be used POST on Enlist soybean and cotton. After the soybean crop has emerged, Liberty®can be an effective option in LibertyLink®soybeans as well as XtendiMax, Engenia®, or FeXapan™in Roundup Ready 2 Xtend®soybeans. “Layer the residual herbicide so you don’t give the Palmer amaranth a chance to emerge, and it will help avoid resistance issues in the future,” Keller said. The same is true if you spray dicamba on E3 soybeans. This additional herbicide tolerance offers improved control over resistant and other tough-to-control weeds. Only dicamba formulated as Xtendimax, Engenia, Fexapan, or Tavium may be applied over the top of Xtend soybeans and cotton. The herbicide labels allow applications when the wind speed (measured at 1. Other conventional soybean herbicides can be used in either system. Therefore, Enlist Duo (glyphosate/2,4-D choline) can only be applied to Enlist soybeans, while either Engenia (dicamba) or Roundup Xtend (glyphosate/dicamba) can only be applied to Roundup Ready 2 Xtend soybeans. Up to what stage can you spray soybean? However, most farmers spray post-emerge herbicides twice per season in soybeans, so today, we’re going to focus on your second pass. Always read and follow label directions. Expecting to get a renewed Xtend label soon! 2,4-D and dicamba are not interchangeable. But the LibertyLink and Roundup Ready 2 Yield ® varieties that are still in our lineup are the genetic superstars that keep proving themselves year after year. These demonstrations included Roundup Ready 2 Yield, Roundup Ready Xtend, and Liberty Link soybeans with various herbicide programs that highlight the methods necessary to improve management of problematic, herbicide … You cannot spray Liberty on tall weeds and expect to kill them, especially waterhemp and Palmer amaranth that have many growing points. It’s amazing how sunshine and warm weather can turn things around. Select spray nozzles that produce medium to coarse droplets. Follow proper dicamba stewardship when using these products. The potential for these outcomes occurring can be reduced by … If Xtend, Enlist or Liberty Link traited soybeans are planted, make a preemergence application of a Group 15 herbicide (Dual II Magnum, Warrant, Outlook, EverpreX) + metribuzin and … Liberty herbicide has proven to provide superior control of tough weeds, including glyphosate-resistant broadleaves and grasses. However, EPA has not yet approved two other new dicamba formulations in the works.

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