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saudi arabia treatment of prisoners

November 28, 2019 - Some 128 Huthi rebels detained in Saudi Arabia … Saudi Arabia’s Basic Law of Governance states in Article 26 that the State shall protect human rights in accordance with the Sharia. Saudi Arabian Shiites in Bahrain call for the release of Shiite prisoners. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is a monarchy ruled by King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz al-Saud, who is both head of state and head of government. Saudi Arabia is home to over three million Indian expatriates. complaints about ill treatment are not taken seriously by prison officials. 2) Torture and other forms of cruel and inhumane treatment. Leaked documents reveal abuse of Saudi prisoners: Report. The Saudi authorities have moved the juvenile Murtaja Qureiris to the ill-reputed General Directorate Investigations (GDI, also known as al-Mabahith) prison in al-Dammam, where prisoners are taken to be tortured and ill-treated. RIYADH: The Human Rights Commission (HRC) in Riyadh launched a five-day training program on Sunday titled “Incorporating Human Rights Standards into … Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Western influencers may be staying silent on this, but I believe that the stories of these people need to be heard, and if I may, allow me to share some of them with you now. The text finally urges Saudi Arabia to immediately end torture and other ill-treatment in detention, and to provide appropriate mental and physical care to all. Head of the committee of Jordanian political prisoners Khizr al-Mashaiekh called on Saudi King Salman to free the Palestinian and Jordanian inmates due to the coronavirus epidemic in Saudi Arabia. Saudi public anger over the treatment of Saudi detainees in Guantanamo has been high in the Gulf Arab state, a key U.S. ally. The absolute prohibition on torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment in international law is guaranteed in the UN Convention Against Torture, to which Saudi Arabia is bound. The Saudi-led Arab military coalition, which has been at war with the Yemen Houthi militias for the past several years, released 200 Houthi prisoners of war from Saudi prisons on Thursday. Rashid said that Saudi Arabia is also ready for the return of Pakistanis imprisoned for serious crimes. Israel: Posts about Israel often critiqued Israeli treatment of Palestinian prisoners, in light of the risk of COVID-19 spreading in prisons. First adopted in 1957 before being revised and adopted as the Nelson Mandela Rules in 2015, the Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners is the central framework used to assess prison conditions and prisoner treatment … Saudi Arabia said on Wednesday that seven Saudis held at the U.S. naval base at Guantanamo Bay had arrived home after the United States freed them. On July 18, local press reported that HRC President Bandar al-Aiban demanded that the shortcomings in the country's prisons be addressed and that prisoners be guaranteed their legal rights. They must allow him to contact his lawyer and family and provide him with access to medical care he may require without delay We continue to call for the immediate and unconditional release of Waleed Abu al-Khair and all other prisoners of conscience currently behind bars in Saudi … Saudi Arabia Prevents Exchange of 250 Prisoners in Taiz: Al-Murtadha On Jun 12, 2021 13 The head of pro-Houthis National Committee for Prisoners Affairs, Abdul Qadir Al-Murtadha, confirmed on Saturday that Saudi Arabia has prevented a prisoner exchange through local mediation that would have included 250 prisoners from both sides in Taiz. With the participation and help of the community and social institutions, and with due regard to the interests of victims, favourable conditions shall be created for the reintegration of the ex-prisoner into society under the best possible conditions. 4 Guantanamo Prisoners to Be Sent to Saudi Arabia The Obama administration will transfer four detainees to Saudi Arabia from the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. complaints about ill treatment are not taken seriously by prison officials. If you feel you have a justified complaint, you should let a Consular representative know at the earliest opportunity. By arresting and detaining a person, the State takes full responsibility at international law for providing health care to ensure their lives and wellbeing. In June, however, Saudi Arabian officials told the UNHRC that the government would take steps to reduce discrimination against women, although no significant changes had been introduced by the end of the year. An Insight of Saudi Jails. Prisoners of conscience in Saudi Arabia have been tortured, sexually assaulted, and held in prolonged solitary confinement – often for months at a time – on an industrial scale.” The hunger strikers are demanding an end to the humiliation and ill-treatment that prisoners of conscience face in Wing (A8) of the prison. 10. By. Over 5,000 detained in intelligence prisons (link is … A spokesperson of the Saudi embassy in Washington has also previously said that the kingdom “takes any and all allegations of ill-treatment of defendants awaiting trial or prisoners serving their sentences very seriously”, noting that Saudi Arabia signed the … "We call on the Saudi Arabian authorities to ensure that Waleed Abu al-Khair is protected from torture or other ill-treatment. (January 2016) What we know about immigration detention in Saudi Arabia comes from scattered press accounts and reports by human rights organisations that rely on information provided by former detainees after they have been deported. Pakistan's Interior Minister says Saudi Arabia has also agreed to release Pakistanis imprisoned for serious crimes as the inmates have already served a … If you feel you have a justified complaint, you should let a Consular representative know at the earliest opportunity. In April, the Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women issued a report on her visit to Saudi Arabia in 2008. In effect, however, many human-rights violations are reported due to failure to adhere to the state commitment to human rights. Saudi Arabia executes more Pakistanis than any other nationality, but Pakistan continues to fail its citizens in Saudi prisons. Prisoners at the palace: Saudi princesses plead for help as they claim they are being held by the king against their will. On August 4, 2017, Such professionals do exist in Saudi Arabia, but Saudi authorities still espouse a framework of repression, even though prisons should facilitate rehabilitation above all. Prisoners have a right to receive medical treatment. Foreign nationals comprise majority executed by Saudi Arabia in 2019, says report (link is external) Over 5,000 detained in intelligence prisons. Foreign nationals comprise majority executed by Saudi Arabia in 2019, says report. Saudi officials vigorously defend the country’s criminal justice system when facing criticism by international media outlets, United Nations human rights bodies, and human rights organizations. The Saudi Arabia government has released 49 more Pakistani prisoners who were languishing in jails in the Kingdom for different crimes A large number of Indian prisoners are currently serving sentences in different jails across the kingdom. We speak with William Sampson, a Canadian citizen who was jailed for over two and a half years in Saudi Arabia where he was accused of being a British spy. Saudi Arabia is one of approximately 30 countries in the world with judicial corporal punishment. Why Not Saudi Arabia? SAUDI ARABIA 6 conditions and treatment were investigated and made public. Reema Abulaziz from Riyadh made her move: She went to Riyadh airport with her two boys, and asked for the guardianship system to be removed. Huthi prisoners freed in Saudi Arabia, flown to Yemen. Millions of Pakistanis migrate to Saudi Arabia in search of work. Since 2015 the government provided free health care to 47,000 Yemenis and paid for treatment of more than 3,426 injured Yemenis located in Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Sudan. The prisoners said that they aren’t given an opportunity to defend … The development of the training courses and ... A culture of impunity prevails for public officials who are guilty of acts of torture and other ill-treatment…. Public beheadings, amputations, … They also protest that they are being held in this ward with psychiatric and mentally ill prisoners who need treatment, some of whom have made death threats against the prisoners of conscience. Three Saudi clerics reportedly on death row and dozens of activists are believed to have endured brutal treatment. Roughly 6.4 million foreign workers play an important role in the Saudi economy, particularly in the oil and service sectors. AFP. The aim of the study was to determine the prevalence of dental caries and oral hygiene status among juvenile prisoners in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. “The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia takes any and all allegations of ill treatment of defendants awaiting trial or prisoners serving their sentences very seriously,” the spokesman said. The sentencing comes as Democrats in Washington are pushing to punish Saudi Arabia – and Crown Prince … Medical reports, prepared for King Salman, demand urgent transfer of most of 60 prisoners examined to medical centre. Reports of arbitrary detention. The Pak-Saudi migration corridor is one of the costliest in the world. In the period between 1984, when the first HIV tests were conducted, and December Comments Islam influences all aspects of Saudi life, including attitudes to crime and punishment, especially drug and alcohol taking. Exclusive: ‘This report details abuse on an industrial scale. It also called on Saudi Arabia to re-examine the imposition of judicial corporal punishments, provide redress for victims of torture and ill-treatment, and ensure punishment of the perpetrators. Pressure on Saudi Arabia over the detention and treatment of political prisoners has been growing in recent months amid claims that some female activists have been subjected to … The advice, issued to British prisoners unfortunate enough to find themselves incarcerated in Saudi Arabia, advises that access to medical care and food is good. The government bases its legitimacy on its interpretation of sharia (Islamic law) and the 1992 Basic Law, which specifies that the rulers of the country shall be male descendants of the founder King Abdulaziz bin Abdulrahman al-Saud. Saudi Arabia's east has been the scene of anti-government protests since February 2011, with demonstrators demanding respect for human rights, implementation of reforms, realization of freedom of expression, and release of political prisoners. We speak with William Sampson, a Canadian citizen who was jailed for over two and a half years in Saudi Arabia where he was accused of being … He had spent over four years in isolation for his work in favour of Saudi political prisoners. The situation raises serious concerns for the detainees’ safety and well-being. Princesses plead for help from captivity at royal compound in Jeddah Roughly 6.4 million foreign workers play an important role in the Saudi economy, particularly in the oil and service sectors. They also told Alaa Aldin's family that he has been transferred from Abha Prison in south-western Saudi Arabia to a prison in the capital, Riyadh, raising fears the authorities are also preparing to deport him soon. THE oppressive kingdom of Saudi Arabia has some of the most barbaric and bizarre punishments in the world. The UN Committee against Torture called on Saudi Arabia to incorporate torture in its domestic legislation as a punishable crime as defined in Article 1 of the UN Convention against Torture. Increasing reports of torture in … About 40% of GDP comes from the private sector. Sources in Saudi Arabia have suggested many of these prisoners did not commit terrorism-related crimes but were imprisoned for their political beliefs. Saudi Arabia last week sentenced Abdulrahman al-Sadhan, a 37-year-old aid worker for the Saudi Red Crescent, to 20 years of imprisonment followed by a 20-year travel ban for tweets criticizing the government, highlighting Saudi Arabia’s continuing crackdown on rights activists. 10 May 2021. Pakistan's Interior Minister says Saudi Arabia has also agreed to release Pakistanis imprisoned for serious crimes as the inmates have already served a … The War on Drugs, Human Rights, Women’s Rights, and Prisoners’ Rights. Saudi public prosecution has released more than 1,500 prisoners across the kingdom due to lack of legal grounds for jailing them, according to a media report. In addition to social and psychological care, health care is guaranteed for prisoners in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Two Saudis were among three prisoners … by "Gulf Times (Doha, Qatar)"; News, opinion and commentary General interest Political prisoners Prisoner … Murder, torture, sexual assault – all of the worst human rights violations imaginable are here,’ says campaigner Pakistan and Saudi Arabia had signed an agreement on the transfer of convicted prisoners during PM Khan’s three-day visit to Saudi Arabia. لقراءته بالعربية اضغط هنا. Saudi Arabia has an oil-based economy with strong government controls over major economic activities. Saudi Arabian officials strip-searched 29 Christian women and assaulted six Christian men after arresting them for holding a prayer meeting at a private home in the western city of Jeddah, a Christian human rights advocacy group informed The Christian Post. Pakistan and Saudi Arabia had signed an agreement on the transfer of convicted prisoners during PM Khan’s three-day visit to Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia has already signed an extradition treaty with India and prisoner transfer agreements with other countries such as the United Kingdom, United States and the Philippines. Saudi Arabia’s treatment of its prisoners and the conditions of many of its prisons contravene internationally-accepted standards for the treatment of prisoners. Elgassim Seed Ahmed, Elwaleed Imam and Alaa Aldin al-Difana were initially arrested by the Saudi Arabian authorities in December 2016. Saudi Arabia's repression of dissidents, human rights activists, and independent critics remains in full force despite the release of some prominent activists … The Working Group report on the 2009 Universal Periodic Review of Saudi Arabia, noting that Saudi Arabia has acceded to UNCAT and that corporal punishment, such as flogging, is incompatible with UNCAT and international customary law, recommends that Saudi Arabia “abolish corporal punishment, and cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment in general, and public floggings, … Turkey : Saudi Arabia and Turkey are occasional geopolitical rivals, in part over Turkey’s support for regional Muslim Brotherhood-linked actors. Political prisoners in Saudi Arabia are facing severe abuses by prison authorities, according to a medical report leaked to the Guardian newspaper … Some “traditional” practices such as physical violence, humiliation, and psychological pressure remain difficult to eradicate. This video was shot in Braiman prison, in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. This type of incident reveals the power structure that determines interactions among prisoners, according to our Observer, a former Saudi prisoner. Screenshot from the video below showing an inmate in a Saudi prison hanging upside down from the ceiling. The UK-based Islamic Human Rights Commission claims that political prisoners in Saudi Arabia are usually arbitrarily detained without charge or trial. Islam influences all aspects of Saudi life, including attitudes to crime and punishment, especially drug and alcohol taking. Saudi Arabia executes more ... We've found that the US Christian Right is pushing a 'dangerous' anti-abortion treatment on ... the brother of a detained Pakistani prisoner in Saudi Arabia … Lack of opportunity for defence. In Saudi Arabia's case this includes amputations of hands and feet for robbery, and flogging for lesser crimes such as "sexual deviance" and drunkenness. STATELESS PERSONS The country had a significant number of habitual residents who were legally stateless, but data on the stateless population were incomplete and scarce. In light of the conditions outlined above, the GCHR believes that the situation of HRDs in Saudi Arabia contradicts the provisions of the United Nations “Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners", which state clearly in article (63) (1) that " The fulfillment of these principles requires individualization of treatment and for this purpose a flexible system of classifying prisoners … MONTHLY ALLOWANCE: Each of the inmates currently incarcerated at the Qatif prison is currently being provided with a monthly allowance or stipend of SAR 1500. The Saudi Arabian authorities must not forcibly return three Sudanese activists to Sudan where there is a real risk they could be imprisoned and face torture and other ill-treatment, said Amnesty International. According to the Library of Congress, overcrowding and mistreatment are common in Saudi prisons - as up to 200 prisoners would be assigned to one room without any bedding - and malnourishment is constant due to underfeeding of prison residents.19Medical treatment is not attended to properly, according to some prisoners, and the lack of activities for prisoners to spend time on has led to … The mass release is part of efforts to safeguard rights of prisoners and related guarantees, Al Arabiya television said. (Beirut) – Saudi Arabia has denied some prominent detainees contact with their family members and lawyers for months, Human Rights Watch said today in a letter requesting access to the country and private prison visits with detainees. Pakistan and Saudi Arabia had signed an agreement on the transfer of convicted prisoners during PM Khan’s three-day visit to Saudi Arabia. Our prisons, where the number of inmates is ceaselessly increasing, need the constant support of social workers, teachers, trainers, psychiatrists, psychologists, etc. Such professionals do exist in Saudi Arabia, but Saudi authorities still espouse a framework of repression, even though prisons should facilitate rehabilitation above all. The Saudi detainee, Zuhair Ali Sherida, died as a result of medical negligence after his infection with the Coronavirus worsened in al-Ha’ir Prison in Riyadh.The “Prisoners of Conscience” account, concerned with political detainees in Saudi Arabia, confirmed the death of the detainee, Sherida, as a result of medical negligence, after his infection with the Coronavirus … Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Prisoners shall have access to the health services available in the country without discrimination on the grounds of their legal situation. Summary of Preliminary Research. Pressure on Saudi Arabia over the detention and treatment of political prisoners has been growing in recent months amid claims that some female activists have been subjected to … Rather, Saudi Arabia continues to exploit its accession to the Convention by praising itself in the media and internationally. Published. The law of survival of the fittest rules the daily life of the prisoners. The prisoners are literally left to their own devices, and interventions from humanitarian organisations remain few and far between, and are in any case fairly ineffective. Alia al-Farid is an activist and researcher at the National Society for Human Rights. Cuba will remain one of Washington’s chosen enemies, while relations with the murderous autocratic Saudi regime will be “recalibrated”. It was adopted by 413 votes in … Several human rights activists in Saudi Arabia have been tortured, sexually harassed and held in prison for months without charges, according to two prominent international rights groups. US thanks Saudi government for accepting Gitmo prisoners, ensuring ‘humane treatment’. Saudi Arabia acceded to the Convention against Torture in 1997, but this has not resulted in any commitment to stop or combat torture. “The Saudi authorities do not allow the treatment of Palestinian and Jordanian inmates in the country’s jails,” he was quoted by the Arabic-language Quds Press as saying. The United States has sent four Yemeni prisoners from the facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to Saudi Arabia, the Pentagon said Thursday, part of … However, despite Saudi Arabia’s efforts to keep its treatment of political prisoners silent, I managed to find some information about the more well-known cases. This allowance starts from the time that their sentence has started. The two countries had also inked a memorandum of understanding on the establishment of the Saudi-Pakistan Supreme Coordination Council (SPSCC), that would address the treatment of criminals and crime. About 40% of GDP comes from the private sector. Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman made a donation of SR100 million ($26.6 million) to charities and prisoners jailed over financial crimes, the Saudi Press Agency (SPA) reported on Thursday. The incident lasts several minutes, but none of the prison staff intervened. According to Al Watan, a Saudi newspaper, another prisoner filmed the incident and then sent it to the brother of the victim.The recipient claims that his jailed brother had been found in possession of medication. Saudi Arabia has an oil-based economy with strong government controls over major economic activities. To date, Saudi Arabia remains a low-HIV-prevalence country, with approximately 1.5 newly detected HIV infections per 100,000 per year among Saudi nationals, and 1.2 per 10,000 among non-Saudis. Saleh Abdelaziz el-Dhamiri, 60, suffered from heart problems and needed a new heart pump. “Saudi authorities have imposed an order not to send political detainees to hospitals for treatment, and only provide them with painkillers,” The head of the Committee of the Jordanian Political Prisoners in Saudi Arabia, Khader al-Mashaikh, Mashaikh told the Arabic-language and Palestinian Quds Press in an exclusive interview on Monday. Interior Minister Sheikh Rashid has said 1,100 prisoners in Saudi Arabia jails will return to Pakistan soon after agreements were reached with Saudi Arabia during Prime Minister Imran Khan’s visit to the Kingdom over the weekend. Islam’s stand on the treatment of prisoners of war has been made clear in a verse of the Holy Treatment of prisoners of war in Islam | Arab News Yemen resumes vaccination campaign as … On 9 July Saudi Arabia's Ministry of Interior told the families of Elgassim and Elwaleed that the two men and their families would be deported within days. Free Online Library: Leaked reports reveal severe abuse of Saudi political prisoners. Pakistan and Saudi Arabia had signed an agreement on the transfer of convicted prisoners during PM Khan’s three-day visit to Saudi Arabia. RIYADH: The Human Rights Commission (HRC) in Riyadh launched a five-day training program on Sunday titled “Incorporating Human Rights Standards into … For all the details, the full resolution will be available here (08.10.2020). Prisoners: The Right to Medical Treatment. The two countries had also inked a memorandum of understanding on the establishment of the Saudi-Pakistan Supreme Coordination Council (SPSCC), that would address the treatment of criminals and crime. There was no ombudsman to act in behalf of prisoners and detainees. Saudi-led coalition and Yemen's Houthi rebels agreed to exchange 1,081 prisoners in Switzerland last month. Washington Sanctions Cuba.

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