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starting sentence with then comma

Perhaps I should annotate that: In the overwhelming majority of cases, follow an introductory phrase at the beginning of a sentence with a comma. You can use the same three-part rule for a sentence with and, or, yet, and so. With a comma. by Owen Fourie. Use a comma after the conjunction when it is followed by an interruption. When an adverbial phrase begins a sentence, it’s often followed by a comma but it doesn’t have to be, especially if it’s short. Note that the clauses are separated with a comma when the dependent clause comes first. Rule – When starting a sentence with a weak clause, use a comma after it. If your email has an informal tone, insert a comma between the greeting and the name, and use either a comma or a period at the end of the greeting. The response ranges from an enthusiastic "fully standard" at Dictionary.com to a resigned "lost cause" from Bryan Garner, author of Garner's Modern American Usage. Put a comma after the transition word. Before Starting Sentences with And or But, Consider Your Audience and Tone Plus, there could be no evasion of the responsibility for the compensation that would be required. Of all the comma rules tested on the SAT® and ACT®, this is probably the subtlest.… Thus, while the starting "Then"s without a comma represent a majority, those followed by a comma are around in quite representative numbers. There are more usages of a comma, for example, how adding or removing comma before and after a name changes the meaning of the sentence — In this Grammar.com article let us understand how to correctly use commas with names. Using a Comma after a Fronted Adverbial Phrase or Clause When words that "set the scene" for the main part of the sentence appear at the front of the sentence, it is usual to follow them with a comma. Most are adverbs, words that tell things like how, why, when, where, how much. THEN , 15077. COMMA. Here are a couple of examples: “Someday, I’d like to go on a cruise.” — This is incorrect. is used in the middle of a sentence, it is followed by a comma. If you are not sure about this, let me know now. In the sentence "On the hill with the fairy grass, we stopped to eat lunch," the prepositional phrase "with the fairy grass" modifies "on the hill." In general, the longer the prepositional phrase, the more you need the comma. Without the comma, you’re left with ambiguity—a writer’s worst nightmare. My ears close and mind shuts down. So go ahead and start sentences with conjunctions. If you remove your conjunction and you suddenly have a sentence fragment that doesn’t seem to make sense, then you need to rework your wording. Note that the “only after” adverbial clause does not use a comma, unlike other reversed adverbial clauses. (4) I believe most writing experts suggest a comma when an adverb introduces a sentence. 04-Mar-2014, 14:02 #3. What are you doing? Such phrases are free modifiers that can be placed anywhere in the sentence without causing confusion. And yes, the comma before because in this case is fine. I am a lower-school teacher and need to clarify this. Trick #1: When to use a Comma Before Such As. wrong This sentence is correct while the sentence below is wrong. Always. “If, then” statements require commas to separate the two clauses that result. Democracy may deserve better than a publicity stunt disguised as a voting drive, but then again, MN-2 deserves better, too. The comma is correct. Thank thank thank you had trouble reading and the main clause and gerund phrase is then check your score at … The main clause can make sense on its own. May be that is the reason a comma is used there. Examples of separating items The comma shows that they are closely connected to the main part of the sentence. If sentences Using commas correctly Subordinate and main clauses If sentences are made up of a main clause and a subordinate clause. Yet, if you take the time to learn the basic rules of sentence structure and punctuation, then it becomes much easier to avoid such common problems as incomplete sentences, run-on sentences, and faulty use of commas. Step 2: Ask yourself, “Does the meaning of the sentence change?”.. 3. When you start a sentence with a prepositional phrase, it's usually a good idea to put a comma after it. INCORRECT: Despite its efficacy the drug is still unavailable to most people. This sentence appears to follow the rules described above. The same rules apply for titles. However, this should only be done occasionally. These are always separated by commas. When using “because” in a conversation, it should be to answer the “why” question. Contrary to the pre-comma rule, a comma must come after a direct address when it is positioned at the beginning of a sentence instead. Before school community of commas with courses like deploying sap courses from. However, if you wrote "You might also need D" or "You might need D also" then no comma is required. Rule 2: When starting a sentence with an introductory word or dependent clause, use a comma to separate it from the rest of the sentence. Hello, Kathy, (followed by … Commas help your reader figure out which words go together in a sentence and which parts of your sentences are most important. A comma splice is the use of a comma … 3. The exception, in my opinion, is with the word “so.” I like a little comma action when I start a sentence with “so.” And this guy at Just Publishing Advice agrees with me:. Use a comma before the conjunction when the sentence halves can stand alone. Remember - if you don't use correct capitalisation, punctuation and spacing, anything you write will be incorrect. Comma Rule One. For instance, The director learned that his company was responsible for the injuries suffered by the workers. Hopefully scanning the list, she was delighted to see her name on it. You are getting the index of first occurrence of comma, then displaying it in the console. Substring method takes index as parameter and then returns the substring starting from that index until the end of your string unless you provide a count parameter.. For example, this code will display , John in the console: If Hillary Clinton wins the election in 2008, then she will become the first female president.. However, it the item is long (for example, a clause), then use a semi-colon. However, you will need to follow it with a comma when the conjunction is starting the sentence. Tips for Using Transition Words and Phrases. Use commas to set off phrases at the end of the sentence that refer to the beginning or middle of the sentence. You will use a comma when you begin a parenthetical pause, as Lincoln did with his “in a larger sense.” But a single comma does not follow the conjunction beginning a sentence. When you insert a comma before as, its meaning changes to “because.”. Other times, the comma is optional, and there are also times when a comma should not be used. Starting a sentence with “however,” however, is discouraged by many careful writers. Prepositional phrases at the beginning of sentences are common and grammatically correct. Use a variety of transition words, not the same one. Remember to only use a comma if you start the sentence with ‘if’. In the morning, we got up and got ready for work. RM Richard, Moderator (Guest) SOME people consider it incorrect to start a sentence with hopefully, Susan, but that's not a universally held opinion. If the phrase is more than three or four words, I would usually add a comma. Commas, Part 6. In sentence 2, the comma after the conjunction but is there because of the parenthetical clause. And then, we come to using so at the start of a sentence. If you have an introductory word (or two) that is being used as an adverb (usually answers the question of when, where, why, or to what degree), then no comma. If they're at the end or beginning of a sentence, of course, the period at the end of the sentence precludes the need for a second comma. But I hope to enter the university next year. I call this Comma Rule 3. As an example: Because it was hot outside, we decided to go to the pool. But that doesn’t mean you can’t or shouldn’t do it. Perhaps this means making your two sentences one – using “and” or “but” with a comma, rather than a period. Don’t use a comma before the conjunction when the second clause can’t stand alone. The comma is correct. Desperate, she screamed for help. In the morning we got up and got ready for work. Hi June, It does, however, have a comma after the name. punctuation Also what is the term used to describe the first part of such a question? I’ve recently received a handful of questions asking for clarification about rule governing the use of commas with names and titles. Residual discomfort with violating the “rule” against starting a sentence with a conjunction — people who are insecure are more likely to grasp at a misuse as a solution. The question mark that ends the example sentence below is not part of the title of the cited movie, so it is not italicized even though the movie title is. Especially when writing fiction, the latter sentence structure is very commonly used as it makes the second option more dramatic. pinterest-pin-it. Then, we moved on to Madrid and the Prado. Active Oldest Votes. I am hopeful that starting a sentence with hopefully will become more acceptable in the future. I would usually say "And besides, it was raining", but I think that is just a personal preference. I'm sorry, I'm divorcing you and moving in with your stepsister. There is some leeway with prepositional phrases. INCORRECT: I would love to, but I have to study. When in doubts then, read the sentence aloud. However, I've noticed that in the second example (where "then" does not serve as an indicator of time) many native English speakers don't really insert a comma anyway. THEN 94401. For example: Albert was excited about eating. first creates a grammatically incomplete thought like a sentence fragment. It seems such an innocuous question. (If the placement of the modifier causes confusion, then it is not "free" and must remain "bound" to the word it modifies.) Flying, John had always been terrified of it. 1. Nice and simple, right? Often so is used in a similar way as the last example, as a conjunction, but placed at the start of a sentence; The puppy was cute. This means use a comma after a participial phrase, an absolute phrase, an infinitive phrase, and a prepositional phrase. There should be a comma after the word if it starts the sentence. Still, commas are more than simple pause-markers; they help the reader understand the structure of the sentence and resolve ambiguity. If you are using “therefore” in the middle of a sentence to separate 2 independent clauses, then you will need to use a semicolon. If you have a sentence that starts with the phrase I'm sorry do you put a comma or a semicolon after that phrase? All noun clauses that starts with “that” are clauses that give essential information. Dude, that’s awesome. If the non-essential clause appears at the end of the sentence, you would only need one comma to set it apart from the rest of the sentence. Using commas incorrectly may confuse the reader, signal ignorance of writing rules, or indicate carelessness. Put the subject of the sentence after the comma. If you are using “therefore” in the middle of a sentence to separate 2 independent clauses, then you will need to use a semicolon. Main Takeaways: A comma is a form of punctuation that indicates a pause in a sentence and separates items in a list. Let me know now if you are not sure about this. Commas depend on syntax as well as pacing, tone, and personal preference. You are allowed to start a sentence with 'however. If Santa Clause was real, he would bring me a new bike. Incorrect: Five hundred years ago there were no grammar books. Even when the statement drops the word then, a comma must be used.. Trembling, he fled from the beast. f. When an adverb introduces a sentence, then a comma … If you type “comma” and “but” into Google, the search engine will give you some autosuggestions including: “comma after but at beginning of sentence” and “is there a comma before or after but.” According to editors and grammarians, there is no comma after the word but at the beginning of a sentence. Sometimes a comma is necessary after an introductory phrase. There is a circumstance in which we can start a sentence with “because” and not be violating any silly rules. Emotion word, (comma) sentence Emotion word, (comma) sentences begin with a feeling word followed by a , (comma). Note: In case the clause gives essential information, then no comma is required. When a dependent clause precedes an independent clause, a comma is necessary (this sentence is an example). For example: At 4 o'clock, I'll jump in the river. In sentences with the structure of our example, if there is no comma before as, then as means “in the way that” or “while.”. If the sentence starts with an adverbial clause, then you use a comma after it as follows: Because Robert was running out of reading material, he ordered the book online. However, it the item is long (for example, a clause), then use a semi-colon. When you use a conjunction at the start of a sentence, it makes much more of an impact. Then, just when you think you understand the punctuation mark fully, you notice something that can only be described as a grammar loophole. Goodbye, Norma Jean. It is important to note that a comma should always be used if the sentence could be misinterpreted otherwise. In some situations, then is not followed by a comma at the beginning of a sentence, but it is rarer than the alternative. And you’ll help your reader along as you move from sentence to sentence. Both of them are stylistic choices for writers. You can also use a comma with a shorter phrase when you want to emphasize it … As in: "Then you must be wrong". It depends whether this is a sentence adverb or an adverb actually connected to any word in the sentence. On the other hand, if removing the phrase does nothing to the meaning of the sentence, and it still makes sense, then the phrase is non-restrictive and a comma … You should also take into consideration what you are writing. If you type “comma” and “but” into Google, the search engine will give you some autosuggestions including “comma after ‘but’ at beginning of sentence” and “is there a comma before or after ‘but.’” According to editors and grammarians, there is no comma after the word ‘but’ at the beginning of a sentence. Often authors use an "-ing" word, also called a gerund, to avoid using the word "I" too much. More often than not, “while” means “dur­ing the time when” or “at the same time as”, and in this sense it vir­tu­ally al­ways pro­vides es­sen­tial in­for­ma­tion and is not sep­a­rated by a comma. It is possible to start a sentence with a list. verb . They are transitional words between the sentence before and the sentence following. All the rules seem to suggest that a comma isn’t necessary; yet, without it, the sentence lacks common sense. Although using commas correctly may seem mysterious, it can be easy if you follow a few guidelines. Besides, it was raining." What to Know. But then again it is her fault for snooping and forcing people to tell her the truth. Click here to download. serves as the final punctuation mark. (Grammarians call it an “interrupter.”) You lower your voice when a sentence has extra information. : I thought to myself that the top of this hen didn't look like a female woody to me, but then again I have never really looked at a hen wood duck from this angle. Starting with so. Use a comma to indicate a short pause in a sentence. An effort to achieve a colloquial emphasis on the conjunction — the comma isolates the conjunction and reproduces the pause in speech. ; Commas should be used before and when joining two independent clauses or when compiling a list. When starting a sentence with "People of Reddit" and then following with a question, should there be a period, semicolon or comma after the word Reddit? Martha: Currently, I am working. Then we decided to go home. A comma comes before a coordinating conjunction (FANBOYS) when both are independent clauses. I have seen a lot of writing lately where there are sentences beginning with the word plus. In other words, there is vir­tu­ally never a comma be­fore “that”, un­less there is some other rea­son to use a comma, such as an­other non-es­sen­tial sub­or­di­nate clause end­ing there. Eight classes of adverbial conjunctions exist, and a comma should generally follow one in every class. However, if this word appears at the end of a sentence then the period (which is part of "etc.") That comma is a signal that the adverb modifies not the word that follows but the sentence or clause that follows. A mark of punctuation used to indicate a division in a sentence, as in setting off a word, phrase, or clause, to separate items in a list, to mark off thousands in numerals, to separate types or levels of information in bibliographic and other data. Starting a sentence or reply with “so” or “basically” drives me NUTS! Adverb phrases at the beginning of the sentence, now introductory prepositional phrases, are usually separated from the sentence by a comma unless they are very short (three words or fewer) and it is easy to tell where the phrase ends. Comma rules appear to be extremely complicated, and it is very easy to make mistakes when using them. Correct: Five hundred years ago, there were no grammar books. Yes, the comma is required when "also" appears at the beginning of the sentence. "if' clause is usually a dependent clause. The same rules apply for titles. Punctuation 1: Separating items in the list. Step 3: If the answer is “no,” then you definitely need to use a comma before “such as“.. It’s a sentence fragment. In fact, many language experts have come around on starting a sentence with hopefully. Clauses are the basic building blocks of sentence structure. If the clauses make sense on their own, you don’t need to use a comma. We'll show you how to use conjunctions, clauses, relative pronouns, and the proper way to use a comma after "and" with our comma cheat sheet. Under the water, you can see the … If you read the sentence aloud, you’ll hear your voice change when you start reading “although she knew that it was dangerous.” Your voice will drop a little and then go up at the end. (Grammarians call it an “interrupter.”) You lower your voice when a sentence has extra information. There was a time when this sentence would be punctuated exactly this way. But when one or both of the independent clauses are long, we may opt to use a period between them instead of a comma, starting the second sentence with the coordinating conjunction. If the phrase or sentence comes before the time phrase then it shouldn't have a comma before it. We use commas while combining multiple phrases in one sentence or writing about different items in a list. Summary: You can start a sentence with a conjunction, and you should not put a comma after the conjunction. Starting a sentence with the conjunction “so” is, for me, synonymous with liberal elites. If you read the sentence aloud, you’ll hear your voice change when you start reading “although she knew that it was dangerous.” Your voice will drop a little and then go up at the end. If I use correct punctuation, then I will include commas where necessary.. In my Proofreading Secrets of Best-Selling Authors, I address the myth that writers should never start a sentence with a conjunction (and, or, nor, because, for, yet, so, since, unless, until).But I recently heard that there’s a new “rule” floating around in the industry that says that starting a sentence with an -ing word is the sign of an amateur. Using a comma after “then” is actually common. When “hopefully” begins a sentence and a comma is not needed. (Tennis, soccer, baseball, etc., are outdoor games.) There is a caveat to this rule though. Note: Because this post has become so popular, I’ve made it available in PDF format. Commas almost always follow phrases at the beginning of sentences; use the comma to separate the phrase from the independent clause. 1 Answer1. A period, much more so than a comma, allows the reader to come up for air. If it’s being used as a conjunction, then go ahead and use a comma. These are two examples from perhaps the greatest American writer: Her mother died first. Compare the two sentences: I call this Comma Rule 3. Except when you don’t. A. Punctuation is not so simple that you can make a rule that a comma “always” follows a given word or phrase. It's a sort of hypercorrection. Some Common Errors to Avoid. Many grammar buffs will slap you on the hand with a ruler for starting sentences with a conjunction—to them, placing the conjunction (but, and, yet, etc.) As a rule of thumb, if the phrase is longer than about four words, use the comma. Sentence Structure: Clauses. The adjacent comma, which is not part of the title, is not italicized. In other cases, a relative clause may be essential. ; Oxford commas are also known as serial or Harvard commas. Using “Which” in a Restrictive Clause. Taking the hint, I said goodbye. Adverbs usually end in … 8. Some common subordinating conjunctions are: after, as, before, once, since, until, and while. Generally, in American English, if "etc." As in "logically, it follows…", "as a result": Then, you must be wrong. There is a comma before the conjunction (but), and the nonessential comment (in the end) is set off with a pair of commas. Sentence-initial position. An independent clause has both a noun and a verb … You can also begin a sentence with "beside", but it has a different meaning. Examples of separating items If you’re trying to make a point standout, then using a conjunction at the start is the way to go. Adding the comma did not change the meaning of any words in the sentence except for one: as. If you pause at some place, insert a comma to mark the pause. Here’s an example of a sentence starting with “hopefully” when it is not followed by a comma: As soon as class was over, Janet ran to the auditorium. But this is English. For your writing will improve dramatically. Conversely, do not use a comma when the sentence starts with a strong clause followed by a weak clause. Rule: If the dependent clause comes first, you should use a comma. There are more usages of a comma, for example, how adding or removing comma before and after a name changes the meaning of the sentence — In this Grammar.com article let us understand how to correctly use commas with names.

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