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eportfolio reflection examples

Reflection. Page Name: Rich Text Content. Assessment for Learning: This type of ePortfolio is primarily used for accreditation purposes and program evaluation. ePortfolios encourage learners to reflect on and synthesize their learning experiences and provide a platform for sharing that information easily with authentic audiences. Menu. On our first day in UWP 001 class, we were given a task to write about how we see our writing theory. Though there are many ways to engage in meaningful reflection, this page offers 2 method options that may be helpful. My Final Reflective. As of Spring 2016, San Francisco State has adopted Portfolium as its ePortfolio platform for all students to have an opportunity to create a professional online presence. As opposed to presenting your reader the opinions of other academics and writers, in this essay you get an opportunity to write your point of view—and the best part is that there is no wrong answer. If it is for career development, you may put examples of projects you have worked on, or evidence of your management skills, e.g. Taking this writing 39B class was like an evolutionary process for me. • Demonstrates meeting professional requirements (Cope & Murray, 2018). The current RCGP’s e-Portfolio has been developed by a company called FourteenFish. Digication ePortfolio :: Mrs. Ellis' Sample Dental Hygiene Periodontal Case Study by Tim Zielke,Diane Ellis at Tunxis Community College. The toolkit provides templates and examples of reflective styles and aims to facilitate best practice in the documentation of reflection on a variety of activities and events. This page contains examples of student ePortfolios from a variety of departments and programs. ePortfolio Reflection Creating an ePortfolio is an integration of several activities towards making up a Webpage reflecting the all essential information about the course and instructors. New guidance on e-Portfolio reflective notes. ePortfolios are digital collections of course work, created by students, to demonstrate learning, progress and achievement. through reflections on how you handled a difficult situation etc. Offers examples of the assignments used with Rutgers students, and a plethora of examples of student work. Outcome 3: Knowledge of Subject Matter and Inquiry. Different kinds of ePortfolios Reflective Practice E portfolio. Gretchen Pratt. Reflection and clinical reasoning. Take a look at what other students are doing to share, reflect on their best work within their degree programs. I have learned a great deal through my clinicals. Writer’s Journal #1 – Outcomes ReflectionOverview The writing outcomes in this class help to define what “academic writing” means for our English 101 community and for many academic writing communities. More Examples The ePortfolios linked below are creative, fun, and effective. Reflection in ePortfolios. For additional information, please visit the ePortfolio website where you can access the ePortfolio manual, reflection handouts and much more. Be positive. Nursing Research Reflection. Reflection: Writing the Position Paper. GenEd ePortfolio holistic Assessment Rubric 2014. For example, some . Reflection‎ > ‎ Example of a personal reflection. Reflection ePortfolio. Nursing research is a completely new concept for me. Use reflections to discuss items in your portfolio, record your thoughts on topics that interest you, set goals, and think critically about your learning. Here are the steps to create reflections in ePortfolio: 1. To access the ePortfolio, click Toolbox in the main navbar in your space. 2. A drop-down menu will appear. Those are the things on that day I considered are … Consumption of this nursing knowledge leads to better outcomes for our patients, beginning with this sound nursing theory. The goal of this essay is to review the semester's writings in preparation for final eportfolio building. Examples of items include artifacts, collections, reflections, presentations, learning objectives. Writing a philosophy of education The idea of writing a philosophy of education made me feel very far out of my comfort zone. Previous portfolios - Group. Evidence based reflection is the key component differentiating ePortfolio from other social media websites. Aug 27, 2015 - Samples of student (or other) ePortfolios that have been created using different tools. Reflective essay - First semester of the Certificate in Clinical Foundation Studies. Rawan's portfolio displays her essay, timed writing, reflections from her first semester, references and powerpoint slides. She makes use of text, images and downloadable files on her page. The Doctor Reflection Paper. HAOYUAN DU. Research is the lifeblood of improvement and the essence of change. Get custom paper. My portfolio is a reflection of the two best essays that I wrote during the English 101 course during the 2016 spring semester. It is a personal record of your own learning. Click on the examples shown below to view some of the past ePortfolio projects at Clemson. Just from $13,9/Page. The tool provides instructors and students a place to collect and reflect upon various types of digital “artifacts”: essays, images, video clips, PowerPoint presentations, and web sites, to name a few. As I took this course I was able to put in information that I had previously learned in composition 1 and use it effectively to better my writing skills. In the movie “the doctor” (1991), I have found many significant points that worth mentioning. Step-by-Step Instructions. Reflective Essay: My Experience Creating an ePortfolio 3 As I started my second semester of classes, I was informed there was a specific layout that the school recommended. ENGL 1102. Jessie Holman - Law. The digital reflective essay will be the essay that threads your semester work into one meaningful tapestry. performance of tasks at a client’s place of work. My reflection will be on the Socialization Nature vs. Nurture assignment in which we had to read Witt's Chapter 4 and answered questions to better understand these concepts. Reflection and Goals. By: Rose Gordon ROAD TO TRANSFORMATION. What reflections do you have on what you learned or what you now think about the experience of being a patient after watching the movie? Creating Reflections in ePortfolio. Self Reflection for Community Health Nursing. Make it Public. In the case of a portfolio essay, you are required to read first your piece before having each of them assessed. For example, students can show how they met course objectives through work placement time sheets, mentor/employer feedback, client ratings, and more. This ePortfolio includes a Reflection Essay that discusses how I have achieved the course goals for Foundations of College Writing. The ePortfolio Transitioning from University to the School workplace, documenting achievement of the Graduate/Proficient Standards and the importance of Reflective Practice. This aspect of the portfolio is delivered through your: l. raining LogT l. eflective StatementR Level 4 standards involve identifying, adapting A reflection paper is a type of paper that requires you to write your opinion on a topic, supporting it with your observations and personal examples. Reflection is a broad concept, but this is not reflected (ha ha!) Finally, structured ePortfolio sessions can help food science students consolidate knowledge, while also allowing them to encounter new ideas related to food science theory and develop technical knowledge. In higher education, we generally consider an e-Portfolios to be a collection of evidence posted online that shows the progress of student learning over time (either a semester or entire program length) and demonstrates their competence or abilities within a discipline or subject. This class so far allowed me to spend more effective time on brainstorming ideas and rhetorical analysis. It promotes life-long learning by encouraging doctors to reflect on their own needs and clinical competences, and the needs of their patients. I wrote things such as organization, word choices, and sources. 10+ Portfolio Essay Examples [ Reflective, Student, Quality ] ... Students, in some event in their school life, have already experienced creating portfolios of their individual achievements. Anna's ePortfolio This ePortfolio exhibits the seven Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) Professional Standards for Teachers. The Trainee ePortfolio should also be used to record and validate naturally occurring evidence against the competence framework. It’s important to note that reflection is a very personal experience. 5. However, all along the program, I collected and added examples of the work I had accomplished and stored it within an external website which can also be viewed here. Title: Supplement4 What Is Reflection In An Eportfolio Created Date: Not only have I learned how to better bring my determination to the efforts of a group, I have also learned how to effectively lead a team. Welcome to my eportfolio, here you will find an in-depth analysis about my WOVE experiences in English250. Reflection of Course Goals. Quality of the reflection . Writing 39B ePortfolio Introduction. In this course, I learned a series of different things compared to my composition 1 class. I have found the major area to improve to the intrapersonal effectiveness part, which is the ‘deep learning skill’. Michelle Grau. PGCAP Student examples: Reflective Portfolio. It contains my Media Analysis essay, “Imagine the Possibilities,” and my Research-based Academic Argument (RBAA), “Euthanasia.”. Landis, Scott, and Kahn Role of Reflections in ePortfolios 109 2010, p. 13). The ePortfolio is not just a diary or record of “What you have done” during GP training, but a record of what you have learned, tried and critically reflected upon. Claudia Leitner - Medicine & Dentistry. ePortfolio. Instead, let your thoughts wander (later, tidy them up through revision) until you feel you're satisfied that you have said what you want to say about that outcome. It also includes three artifacts that I have selected to help me illustrate the completion of those course goals. One two-hour ePortfolio lab is scheduled each semester where students are led through the following steps: 1) collect 2) select 3) reflect 4) connect. In this self evaluating report the main task is to evaluate the progress achieved during this term and to determinate in which skills I need to work the most to make an improvement. Completion of ePortfolio page . Danesha Baker. Portfolio Reflection Essay. E-portfolios for doctors. This example ePortfolio, created by Jamie McClintock, includes compelling and dynamic reflective writing. Evidence of Achievement – This part of a Reflective Portfolio provides written evidence of student achievement. It is the fuel that drives the machine called progress. Below are links to ePortfolios from Auburn students and alumni. Outcome 4: Knowledge of Development and Learning. I will use Rolfe's et al (2001) framework of reflective practice to demonstrate a reflection I did regarding my musculoskeletal practical skill and knowledge. Glass half-full, always. Points-to-Ponder When Creating Your Portfolio: Be sure to illustrate self-reflection and growth in your chosen pieces. ePortfolio Examples"I upload my weekly posts under each individual class within the 'My Program' section. E-portfolio Final Course Reflection Educator Roles.docx - Multidimensional Role of an Academic Nurse Educator Going into this course I knew that. This article discusses the impact of ePortfolio use and the success of students. Digication ePortfolio :: Aziz Soubai's ePortfolio -ENG 101 by aziz soubai at ASU GFA. It is mainly base on my Examples of ePortfolio First Year Biology . You’ll never be too far from a computer (even on the ward). Environmental Design. 992 Words4 Pages. This kind of reflection could have been included as a learning activity. Zubizarreta (2009) considered reflection a “crucial element” of a learning portfolio. Through taking writing classes from AE 20 series until taking this 39B class right now, I do believe that my writing skill has more or less developed during the last 2.5 years. Gwendolyn Ritter-Randolph. Faculty are also going to want to see your ePortfolio before they write a letter of recommendation for you. Navigation. In the example below, a nursing student uses her ePortfolio to communicate her short- and long-term goals. Having looked through numerous theories of learning and reflection I do agree that Gibbs’ method fits the GP e-portfolio learning log well. Pick 3-6 of the best examples from your portfolio and share: –t they are and how you did themWha –t they demonstrate in relation to the Wha apprenticeship standard Dr. Barrett's links on Reflection. Page Name: Rich Text Content. Menu. For example, the trainee may do an evidence review on a specific topic and present it to a practice meeting. ePortfolios. Why Document Learning with ePortfolios? 2. Key components of a portfolio are reflection and goal development. Jack Redmond was a winner in the About Me Challenge #1 in Trimester 1, 2017. The e-portfolio is an electronic tool for doctors to store and record a collection of evidence that demonstrates their learning achievements and abilities. Sitemap. Community health nursing focus on health promotion, disease prevention and maintenance of health. Think of an ePortfolio as a personal website featuring the best possible examples of your work, skills, and experiences as they relate to your fields of interest. Midterm Reflection. Please contact us if you are interested in learning more about ePortfolio. Students: The writing tutors at the UWC are equipped to assist in the invention and writing of your ePortfolio. Witness testimony acts as: ... on, as well as your reflections on your learning journey. The floor nurses along with support staff would be able to advocate for the change by using examples of nurse fatigue and patient safety on the floor. It is designed to demonstrate that as a graduating preservice teacher, I am equipped with the requisite knowledge, skills, understandings and capabilities required to meet the Graduate standards. Outcome 2: Social Foundations. Final Reflection. See more ideas about prezi, reflective, eportfolio. Reporting on I/NCEPR research on whether claims for the value of reflection in ePortfolio practice could be substantiated, Yancey (2009) concluded that “the What are Canvas ePortfolios? ePortfolio Gallery. Award Winning Career ePortfolio. Ability to clearly present material . • Professional development (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2015). 2. Critical Analysis - Student Example. Please note that we are using/providing these examples by permission and for viewers to not plagiarize the authors’ work. Second, ePortfolio reflective writing can be a key aspect for improved student engagement. Through taking writing classes from AE 20 series until taking this 39B class right now, I do believe that my writing skill has more or less developed during the last 2.5 years. Self-Reflection Portfolio. Update ePortfolio … Content “proves” your talent and skills to an employer/audience. College of Nursing. Reflection Essay. Email me or use the Discussion Board on Blackboard if you have any questions regarding this The Case of Lewis Blackman and A Hospitalization from Hell: A Patient’s Perspective on Quality. Click ePortfolio on the D2L homepage. I have a clearer idea of where I’ve come from and will further develop all aspects of the ePortfolio with particular emphasis on … Dear Mrs. Pratt. Examples of ePortfolio Implementations Online first year Writing Class size: 320- 390 Providing structure - template Introduction to students . Through AGWR, I have learned to properly incorporate and craft examples to help boost my arguments. Elena Doldor - Business & management. The story about Lewis Blackman is one that left a lasting impact on me and is one that I have never forgotten. AoMRC and COPMed Reflective Practice Toolkit. EXL Reflection. • Reflects self-evaluation (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2015). TUNXIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DENTAL HYGIENE PROGRAM CORE ABILITIES AND COMPETENCIES I. Professionalism and Ethics A. But the e-portfolio travels with you wherever you go, so jot it down. We can help strengthen your understanding of reflective writing and help plan an ePortfolio that showcases your individual experiences with multi-disciplinary studies and writing. Electronic Portfolios (ePortfolios) While portfolios have a long tradition in art, architecture, and teacher education, interest in ePortfolios has grown across higher education in the last decade for a variety of purposes and audiences. Combines all life-experiences into one collection. ePortfolio. As I reflect back into this semester, I think about how I have evolved as a college writer. 1. Where workplace evidence is used in your Portfolio of Evidence, this must be your own work. Elaborate with examples, associations, thoughts, and additional reflection; You need not feel bound to simply create a list. Research provides a means for answering all manner of questions that may come about through observation or theoretical inquiry. It’s purpose is to provide practical help and documentation to help doctors with reflective practice. ePortfolio is a tool that allows you to represent your learning by creating, organising and sharing artefacts including presentations. The proposals helped me focus on the prompt and deconstruct it. Looking back on this class, I have realized just how much my writing has improved since the beginning of the quarter and that first assignment. Graduate standards, reflection and e-portfolios - Mary Gallagher - sept 2014.

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