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plastic bags should be banned

The paper "Should Plastic Bags Be Banned?” by Galbraith" reflects a search for a compromise between supporters and opponents of such a ban. the former operate on environmental protection arguments, the latter believe anyone can decide for himself - to buy an expensive eco bag or affordable plastic… Plastic bags can prove to be a choke hazard for small animals and people. Conclusion. In this essay on should plastic be banned it is important to understand that plastic in itself is not harmful when used, or recycled and reused, it is rather the littering of plastic on the streets, on land and water bodies, and the single-use plastic bags which are … Ban on plastic bags can help in reducing the manufacturing of it and encourage recycling and reuse hence reducing the amount of litter. Should Plastic Bags Be Banned Everywhere? Why plastic bags should be banned from our cities. No market price means far cheaper prices to produce the plastic. The first sentence is a topic sentence that includes my main idea for the whole paragraph (the main problem is pollution for land and water). Banning plastic bags in lieu of cotton or paper could have a negative impact on the environment overall, not to mention the inconvenience of limiting reuse of those bags for everyday things like lining trash cans, protecting your belongings, or even cleaning up after your dog. Groups of states are starting to enact regional policies. Since 2007, more than 240 local governments in the US have enacted similar policies. How Consumers, Governments and Businesses Can Beat Plastic Pollution. Plastic has many properties which have made it a raw material of choice for manufacturing of plastic bags and packing materials. Plastic water bottles are also thought to be carcinogenic. The East African Legislative Assembly has passed a bill to ban the manufacture, sale, import and use of certain plastic bags … When we consider that these bags create so much destruction, the answer to the question of whether plastic bags should be banned seems straightforward: of course they should be banned. Rampant problems associated with plastic bags include the use of non-renewable resources (such as crude oil, gas, and coal) and the pollution it creates. We are affected by plastic bags because we all dispose of them incorrectly and because we are unaware of the consequences of using plastic bags. Recycled plastic is being used to make just about everything you could imagine. 25+ Powerful Reasons Why Plastic Bags Should Be Banned Immediately. Plastic bags are toxic. Made from fossil fuels 3. That same Danish study suggests that the most eco-friendly bag option for … However, the ability to recycle a plastic bag depends on the type of materials used in manufacturing the plastic bag and how it was made. This will make Los Angeles the largest city in the United States to implement a single-use ban. Come with external costs 9. Plastic bags do not only pollute our water but also our land. Oct. 22 2020, Updated 5:16 p.m. We only have one world to live in, so more precautions should be enforced in taking care of it. Plastic also emits some radiation. They are harming animals when they are thrown into the ocean and on land, and are increasing emissions when they are made. Photo by Zainub Razvi/Flickr. They have a major negative impact on humanity, animals, and our environment. The 3Rs — reduce, reuse and recycle — of solid waste management (SWM) also apply to plastic bags. If algae plastics go commercial, it could be step one in the revitalization of the Earth. Why Plastic Bags Should be Banned. Although this article is very informative, it leaves out some facts. The success of the essay bag ban in various places worldwide polies a direct correlation between banning plastic bags and reducing the amount that ends up in the ocean. Not easy to recycle 7. I totally agree with this opinion because it has dangerous repercussions on the planet and the government should prohibit them from being used for shopping purposes | Band: 8 Dear _____,Disposable single-use plastic bags, introduced just 25 years ago, are currently consumed at an alarming global rate of 500 billion per year. The plastic bags are filled with toxic, harmful chemicals that … “We are extracting and destroying the Earth to use a plastic bag for 10 minutes.”. But only a few countries in Asia have sound SWM systems, even though all of them have regulations on solid waste. The Truth about Plastic Bag Bans | Conservation Law Foundation That means that it cannot decompose in the soil with the help of the micro-organisms present in the soil.This leads to accumulation of the waste plastics bags in the environment. Plastic should be banned. Summers builds his argument with the use of pathos, ethos, and statistics throughout the article. chemical reactions. A Ban Could Be Detrimental. Because they are naturally lightweight, plastic bags can travel very long distances by both water and wind. Litter is a problem partly because it is just ugly to look at; bags become tangled in trees and … They use up natural resources – “Every time we use a new plastic bag they go and get more petroleum from the Middle East and bring it over in tankers,”. 3. 5 Reasons To Stop Using Plastic Bags 1. Plastic bags are made from non-renewable resources and contribute to climate change. 2. Plastic bags never completely break down. 3. Plastic bags kill wildlife and marine life. 4. Plastic bags are harmful to human health. 5. Plastic bags are not easy to recycle. In 2020, statewide plastic bag laws will become active in Maine, New York, Oregon and Vermont, with Connecticut and Delaware joining in 2021. Many cities, states and businesses have banned or taxed single-use plastic bags. It is a threat to life on Earth. In my opinion, we should ban plastic bottles. 2. If we follow the same pattern, we will eventually be seeking to … Some towns and places even have banned plastic bottles like Kenya, 4 the … Surprisingly, plastic bags have been one of the most lethal inventions of mankind. Also, plastic bags, especially larger ones, can be reused as bin or trash bags. This comes in response to California passing legislation to ban plastic bags in November of 2016. After all those localities banned disposable bags, California outlawed them statewide, in 2016. This is why many feel that plastic bags should be banned. Single use plastic bags and other plastics account for approximately 73 percent of beach litter. Think of this as 19.23kg of single-use bottles, cutlery, straws, packaging and more for every single person on the planet. We need to focus more on the environment. The total for all single-use plastic is much greater, at 150 million tons per year. California is also considering a state-wide ban on plastic bags, starting in July of 2015. People had a … Harmful to human health 6. - The New York Times A study done by the U. The plastic, which is consumed by these species, will then congest their digestive tracts, often leading to health problems like infections. Ban Plastic. There are eight states that ban single-use plastic bags, and these are Oregon, Vermont, California, Hawaii, Delaware, New York, Maine, and Connecticut. Plastic Bags Should Be Banned 1017 Words5 Pages The article Bag Ban Bad for Freedom and Environment, by Adam B. Summers, argues that a ban placed on plastic grocery bags would be detrimental to the environment as well as to people. The Arguments For a Disposable Plastic Bag Ban All too often single-use plastic bags end up as litter. On a larger scale, plastic bags should be banned as they can be dreadful to wild and marine life as well. We cannot throw everything we use away without recycling it. It has been seen that usage of polythene bags is responsible for increasing the pollution level of land and water bodies, because of that some people believe that the use of plastic bags should be prohibited. Problematic degradation 4. The wind blows these plastic bags, trashing the area they end up in. Almost all plastics are made from petroleum, except a few experimental resins derived from corn and other organic substances. Plastic bags are a major contributor in plastic pollution – a kind of pollution which is deteriorating our environment. However, the latest research shows plastic bags make up only High costs for cleanup 8. In August 2014, California became the first state to enact legislation imposing a statewide ban on single-use plastic bags at large retail stores. This is a live issue. Cause of environmental pollution 2. To reserve the animal and bird species, and to protect our ecosystem banning of plastics bags can be helpful. Plastic as a substance is non-biodegradable and thus plastic bags remain in the environment for hundreds of years polluting it immensely. Banning plastics has been a growing trend over the last several years. A truly wonderful and magical material, plastic was invented in the year 1907 by Leo Hendrick Bakeman in New York, United States of America. … By Andrew Krosofsky. Plastic bags should be banned from grocery stores because they are made from. toxic and non-recyclable materials. It is so much more environmentally friendly to bring your own bags when you buy groceries. 1. It has become very essential to ban plastic bags before they ruin our planet completely. Among the reasons plastic bags should be banned are: More:Kroger plans to eliminate plastic bags by 2025. Humans use as many as 1 trillion single-use “carrier bags”, about 128 per person per year. Several local cities, including Kirkland, Tacoma, Seattle, and Issaquah have all banned plastic grocery bags, arguing they are harmful to the environment. Plastic waste is indeed a very serious problem. Algae, on the other hand, were much cheaper because it did not have a market price. And Adrian Hong, president of Island Plastic Bags, Inc. in Hawaii, believes grocery bags should be available for a fee rather than ultimately banned because of the impact on manufacturers. Many countries around the globe have either put a ban on the plastic bag or Levi tax on it. All the Yes points: 10 Reasons Why Should We Ban Plastic Bags 1. Recently, the city of Seattle became the first U.S. city to ban plastic straws and utensils, and in May the European Union joined Great Britain and announced a proposal to ban single-use plastic items, including straws. Plastic bags have already been banned in many cities, counties, and countries the world over. Ultimately, plastic … On June 18th, Los Angeles adopted an ordinance banning the use of plastic bags at grocery stores, pharmacies, convenience stores and some retailers. In April 2019, New York became the second US state to impose a broad ban on single-use plastic bags. More:Kroger said it was eliminating plastic bags by 2025. Plastic is non-bio-degradable and thus causes pollution; as it cannot be recycled, burning plastic diffuses harmful smoke. Killing wildlife 5. Pingback: The Pros and Cons of Banning Plastic Bags – Don't be an Old Bag on the North Shore Cassandra La Fey November 10, 2017 at 6:59 pm. By banning plastic bags, it is possible to cut off the problem at the source. The answer to the problems associated with thin plastic bag use is not a ban, but better management. Plastic bags should be banned. Eight states—California, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Maine, New York, Oregon and Vermont—have banned single-use plastic bags. The major drawback of plastic is that it is not bio-degradable. Plastic bags cause land, air as well as water pollution. The second sentence explains my main idea by saying that most plastic bags are either littered or thrown in the trash. Plastic bags are much more cost-effective to produce than the alternatives. In terms of recycling, the world is in a much better place than it was a few decades ago. More so, studies revealed that the recycling rates of plastic bags are significantly lower than that of paper bags. Plastic bags must be banned in order to reduce pollution. Long Essay on Plastic Bags Should be Banned 600 Words in English. When it comes to banning plastic bags in the U.S., 400 states or cities have imposed plastic ban or taxes. This wondrous material was made from phenol and formaldehyde in a cheap and easy method. Plastic bags affect many people, not only the consumers but plastic bags also affects the environment and animals. Yes, we should ban plastic bags, paper are fine as long as they are required to be recycled. Many times, these bags are mistaken for eatables by birds and animals. ET. 25+ Powerful Reasons Why Plastic Bags Should Be Banned. 1. Plastic bags pollute not only our water but also our land; 2. The plastic bags are made from non-renewable sources and on this account, highly contribute to climate change; 3. A lot of energy is used in producing these bags; 4. Plastic bags do not degrade; 5. Plastic bags are toxic; 6. Essay on Plastic Bags should be banned.

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